Other Hupps

Other Hupps

This book sold out in 2008.  I am making it available online as pasted Word documents.  The original book was a series of text files, and I have reconstructed them as Word documents

Introduction (12 pages)

Section SV - Halifax County Hupps (8 pages)

Section SH - Susquehanna Hupps (19 pages)

Section LC - Licking County, Ohio Hupps from Beaver Co., PA (10 pages)

Section X - Smaller Hupp Groups: Hupps of Wells Co., Ind./Missouri Hupps/Upper    Michigan Hupps/Indiana Late Immigrants (11 pages)

Section OX - Descendants of Emanuel Hupp & Mary Davis (13 pages)


You can copy and paste the section pages into Word, or print it directly. 
The book was originally for $15.00.  If you print out the whole book, I'll ask you to send a check for $10.00 (or portion of it if you print just part of it).  Don't send anything if you print less than 20 pages, and not if you just read from the web page. 

Send checks to:

Timothy A. Hupp
3723 Brown Mountain Lane
Elkton, VA  22827

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