GET Guidebook 7c

Edition 8/12/2018

Section 7c
VA 600 (Bolar Draft Road) to Lake Sherwood
9.2 miles (3.5 mile road walk, 0.4 mile paved)

Lake Sherwood


 1.  North end of section: From I-64 in Virginia Exit 16, take US 220 north 26 miles to VA 39 in Warm Springs, turn left (west) and go 11.5 miles to VA 600 (Bolar Draft Road), turn left and go 2.8 miles, to High Knob Tower Road on right; parking possible on shoulder, especially on east side of VA 600. 
 2.  South end of section: From I-64 in West Virginia (coming from Virginia: Exit 181, take US 60 west 0.3 mile to WV 92, turn right/ coming eastbound: Exit 175, go to US 60, take US 60 east 5 miles east to WV 92, turn left) and go 15 miles to CR 14 at Neola, turn right and go 4.1 miles to CR 14/1, turn left and go 6.4 miles.  At the first intersection after the entrance station, turn right, then right again, and go to Trailhead parking area where the road turns around. 


  North to south: Go back north on VA 600 to VA 39, turn left and go 7.2 miles, into West Virginia, and turn left on WV 92, go 15.5 miles to CR 14 in Neola, turn left and go 4.1 miles, turn left on CR 14/1 and go 6.4 miles and find Trailhead parking as described above. 
  South to north: Go back out CR 14/1 from Lake Sherwood 6.4 miles, turn left on CR 14 and go 4.1 miles to WV 92, turn right and go 15.5 miles to WV 39, turn right (soon becomes VA 39) and go 7.2 miles to VA 600 to right, turn and go 2.8 miles. 


  USGS 7.5' Quadrangles:  Mountain Grove, VA/WV; Rucker Gap, VA/WV; Lake Sherwood, WV

Trail Condition Report for this Section

GET Guidebook Contents

Guide to Section 7b (north)

Guide to Section 7d (south)


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