TuGuNu Guide 1c
Section 1c
Glen Lyn to Shanklins Ferry
10.7 miles
Glen Lyn, VA, situated on both sides of the New River, with GET route shown (magenta dots).
1. “North” end of section: From I-77 Exit 9 in West Virginia, take US 460 east 12.2 miles; after crossing New River bridge, turn right into Glen Lyn Town Park.
2. “South” end of section: From I-77 Exit 9 in West Virginia, take US 460 east 14.6 miles to Rich Creek, VA, turn left on US 219 and go 2.0 miles (there was a right turn at 0.3 mile) to WV 12 in Peterstown, WV, turn left. Go 1.1 mile and turn left on CR 24, Bozoo Road. Go 4.7 miles to Bozoo and turn left on CR 24/3. In 0.7 mile, cross county line onto CR 23/6, Shanklins Ferry Road. Continue 2.5 more to Shanklins Ferry Camping area.
Shuttle (13.9 miles)
“North” to “south”: Exit Glen Lyn Town Park to US 460, turn right and go 2.9 miles, turn left on US 219 in Rich Creek, VA and go 2.0 miles (there was a right turn at 0.3 mile) to WV 12 in Peterstown, WV, turn left. Go 1.1 mile and turn left on CR 24, Bozoo Road. Go 4.7 miles to Bozoo and turn left on CR 24/3. In 0.7 mile, cross county line onto CR 23/6, Shanklins Ferry Road. Continue 2.5 more miles for a total of 15.0 miles.
“South” to “north”: Turn around, go back CR 23/6 and go 3.2 miles (at 2.5 miles, the road becomes CR 24/3) to Bozoo, turn right on CR 24, Bozoo Road, and go 4.7 miles. Turn right on WV 12, go 1.1 mile to US 219. Turn right and go 2.0 miles to US 460 in Rich Creek, VA. Turn right and go 2.9 miles and turn left into Glen Lyn Town Park and Campground.
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles: Narrows, VA/WV, Peterstown WV/VA
Glen Lyn Campground
Shanklins Ferry Camping Area
Trail Description, “North” to “South”
Miles Data
0.0 Glen Lyn Town Park with parking and picnic shelter, elev. 1490’. “North” end of section. Head toward the US 460 bridge to pass under it.
0.2 Just under the bridge, find the sign designating the “Mary Ingles Trail”. Follow this trail. It goes down the right bank of New River on Army Corps of Engineers land 7.2 miles through forest and fields, sometimes close to the river, sometimes further away. This trail is yellow blazed and has half-mile markers.
1.2 Cliffs on right.
1.4-1.7 Pass through field.
1.8 Pass an island in New River.
4.3-4.5 Pass through field.
5.8 Pass a chimney on left.
7.2 West Virginia state line and start of Bluestone Wildlife Management Area. This WMA does not allow marking or maintenance of this trail, so it is a secret trail. But this section of it is on an old road and is easy to follow and walk on. Cross a small creek and pass a gate.
7.7 Cross a small creek.
8.0 Cross a bigger creek.
8.2 Pass a road gate and cross a small creek. Drivable gravel road continues ahead with road also going to the left, toward New River. Upper Shanklins Ferry with campsites and toilets to left. Continue ahead.
8.7 Campsite 55 on left.
9.6-9.7 Campsites with toilet to left.
10.7 Shanklins Ferry Camping Area with campsites and toilets to left. “South” end of section. GET continues on gravel road ahead into Section 1d.
Trail Description, “South” to “North”
Miles Data
0.0 Shanklins Ferry Camping Area with campsites and toilets to right of road. “South” end of section. GET continues on road compass south.
0.7 Campsites with toilet on right.
1.7 Campsite 55 on right.
2.1 Upper Shanklins Ferry Camping Area with campsites and toilets to right.
2.2 End of drivable road. GET follows gated road ahead and crosses a small creek and through road gate.
2.4 Cross a bigger creek.
2.9 Cross a small creek.
3.2 Pass a gate and a small creek. Just after that is a “Mary Ingles Trail” sign. Enter Army Corps of Engineers land. It has half-mile markers and yellow blazes.
3.1 Pass a chimney on right.
5.9-6.1 Pass through a field.
8.7 Pass an island in New River.
8.9-9.2 Pass through a field.
9.2 Cliffs on left.
10.4 End of trail almost under US 460 bridge. Continue on road to picnic shelter ahead.
10.6 Glen Lyn Town Park and Campground. Parking and picnic shelter. “North” end of section. GET continues out on the entrance road to US 460.
TuGuNu GET Guidebook Contents
Guide to Section 1b ("north")
Guide to Section 1d ("south")