TuGuNu Guide 2a
Section 2a
Hinton to Bluestone State Park
7.5 miles
1. “North” end of section in Hinton: The Point Park in Hinton: From I-77 Exit 28, go to US 19, turn left (north) and go 6.5 miles to WV 3, turn right (east) and go 14.2 miles. Turn right at go 1.1 miles along with WV 20, then turn left with WV 3. Cross bridge, then find parking left of intersection with WV 107.
2. “South” end of section at Bluestone Turnpike Trailhead: From I-77 Exit 28, go to US 19, turn left (north) and go 6.5 miles to WV 3, turn right (east) and go 14.2 miles. Turn right at go 14.3 miles along with WV 20, turn right to go into Bluestone State Park, and on (as described in Trail Description) 3.9 miles to Bluestone Turnpike Trailhead.
Shuttle (7.4 miles)
North to south: Cross WV 3 bridge 0.2 mile over New River, turn left on WV 20, go 3.2 miles, turn right to go into Bluestone State Park, and on (as described in Trail Description) 3.9 miles to Bluestone Turnpike Trailhead.
South to north: Turn around, go out through Bluestone State Park 3.9 miles to WV 20, turn left, go 3.2 miles, turn right on WV 3 and cross bridge to intersection with WV 107.
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles:
Meador Campground
Old Mill Campground
Trail Description, “North” to “South”
Miles Data
0.0 Intersection of WV 3 and WV 107 at the confluence of Greenbrier River and New River, elev. 1373’. “North” end of section. Parking at The Point Park just off WV 107. Follow WV 3 west, over New River over Veterans Memorial Bridge.
0.2 Intersection of WV 3 with WV 20. Turn left on WV 20.
0.9 Pass Bluestone Dam on New River, to left.
1.2 Leatherwood Road to right. Continue straight.
1.3 Keep left at gate with gated driveway leading down to Bluestone Lake. This is Mary Ingles Trail.
1.5 Driveway ends by Bluestone Lake. Trail continues along the lakeshore.
3.4 Trail ends at parking area on Pitts Road by Bluestone Lake. Continue on Pitts Road.
3.6 Pass under WV 20 bridge over Bluestone River and Lake.
3.9 Turn left on Bluestone Park Road (CR 20/2).
5.1 On sharp left curve, intersection with CR 44/20 (Surveyor Branch Road). Keep left.
5.6 Headquarters of Bluestone Park, on right. If you plan to camp at this park, register here.
5.9 Turn left to go to the campgrounds.
6.5 Meador Campground on road to left.
7.1 Old Mill Campground, on left.
7.5 Bluestone Turnpike Trailhead and parking, elev. 1500’. “South” end of section. GET continues on Bluestone Turnpike Trail in Section 2b.
Trail Description, “South” to “North”
Miles Data
0.0 Bluestone Turnpike Trailhead and parking, elev. 1500’. “South” end of section. GET follows Old Mill Way compass east.
0.4 Old Mill Campground, on right. If you plan to camp here or Meador Campground, you need to register at Park Headquarters.
1.0 Meador Campground on road to right.
1.6 Keep right where Superintendent Road goes left.
1.9 Headquarters of Bluestone Park, on left. Keep to upper road here (Bluestone Park Road).
2.4 On sharp right curve, intersection with CR 44/20 (Surveyor Branch Road). Keep right.
3.6 Keep right on Pits Road, which goes down by Bluestone Lake.
3.9 Pass under WV 20 bridge over Bluestone River and Lake.
4.1 At far end of parking area, continue on the trail beside Bluestone Lake.
6.0 Trail ends at driveway ahead coming down to the lake. Continue up the driveway to WV 20.
6.2 Keep right on WV 20.
6.3 Leatherwood Road to left.
6.6 Pass Bluestone Dam on New River, to right.
7.3 Intersection of WV 20 with WV 3. Turn right on WV 3 and cross New River on Veterans Bridge.
7.5 Intersection of WV 3 and WV 107, to left. “North” end of section. The Point Park is to left. GET continues on WV 3 into Section 1e.
TuGuNu GET Guidebook Contents
Guide to Section 1e ("north")
Guide to Section 2b ("south")