TuGuNu Guide 2c
Section 2c
Dunns to US 19
7.0 miles, all road walk
1. “North” end of section in Dunns at Mountain Creek Baptist Church (but not on Sundays): From I-77 Exit 20, take US 19 north 2.7 miles to CR 2/Dunns Road, turn right and go 5.6 miles. Find parking at Mountain Creek Baptist Church (but not on Sundays).
2. “South” end of section: From I-77 Exit 20 take US 19 south to first intersection. Find roadside parking.
Shuttle (7.0 miles)
“North” to “south”: Follow “North” to “South” Trail Description.
“South” to “north”: Follow “South” to “North” Trail Description.
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles:
Trail Description, “North” to “South”
Miles Data
0.0 Intersection of CR 2/3 (Dunns Road) with CR 19/2 (Old Schoolhouse Road) and CR 4 (Dunns-Bluestone Road), elev. 1824’. “North” end of section. GET southbound follows CR 2/3 compass south.
2.0 Intersection of CR 2/3 (Dunns Road) with CR 3/1 (Piney Flat Road) to left. Continue ahead on Dunns Road, now CR 2.
2.7 Intersection of CR 2 with Eagle Crest Road. Bear left on Eagle Crest Road.
4.8 Intersection with CR 3/2, Ellison School Road, to left. Continue ahead.
5.4 Beside Panther Knob, intersection with Grahams Mountain Way, elev. 2641’. Continue ahead.
6.4 Intersection with Eads Mill Road, to left. Continue ahead, under I-77.
7.0 Intersection of Eagles Crest Road with US 19, elev. 1986’, south end of section. GET continues across US 19 on CR 19/2, Camp Creek Road into Section 2d.
Trail Description, “South” to “North”
Miles Data
0.0 Intersection of Camp Creek Road with US 19 and Eagles Crest Road. Follow Eagles Crest Road.
0.6 After passing under I-77, intersection with Eads Mill Road, to right.
1.6 Intersection with Grahams Mountain Way, to left, elev. 2641’. Panther Knob summit to left after intersection. Continue ahead.
2.2 Intersection with CR 3/2, Ellison School Road, to right. Continue ahead.
4.3 Merging intersection with CR 2, Dunns Road merging from left. Follow Dunns Road ahead.
5.0 Intersection with CR 3/1, Piney Flat Road to right. Continue ahead on Dunns Road, now CR 2/3.
7.0 Dunns. Intersection of Dunns Road with CR 19/2 (Old Schoolhouse Road) to left, and CR 4 (Dunns-Bluestone Road) to right, elev. 1824’. End of section.
TuGuNu GET Guidebook Contents
Guide to Section 2b ("north")
Guide to Section 3a ("south")