TuGuNu Guide 4c
Section 4c
Pineville to Baileysville
13.8 or 11.9 miles
1. “North” end of section: From I-77 & 64 Exit 42 take WV 16 south 3.6 miles to WV 54 and turn right. Take WV 54 13.7 miles to WV 97 and turn right. Take WV 97 11.9 miles, turn left on WV 10 and go 0.3 miles to downtown Pineville.
2. “North” end of section: From I-77 & 64 Exit 42 take WV 16 south 3.6 miles to WV 54 and turn right. Take WV 54 13.7 miles to WV 97 and turn right. Take WV 97 11.9 miles, turn left on WV 10 and go 0.3 miles to downtown Pineville and turn right onto WV 97. Go 13.8 miles to Baileysville.
“North” to “south”: Take WV 97 west 13.8 miles.
“South” to “north”: Take WV 97 east 13.8 miles.
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles:
Trail Description, “North” to “South”
Miles Data
0.0 Pineville – Intersection of WV 97 & WV 10, elev. 1987’. “North” end of section. GET follows WV 97 west, Main Avenue.
0.2 WV 97 turns left on Williamson Avenue. WV 97 follows Guyandotte River staying on the right (north) bank all of the way to Baileysville.
0.7 CR 9/6, Williamson Branch Road, to right. Elev. 1267’
1.6 Pass Ole Lodging on left.
3.4 Mining Road to left crosses river to Contura-Kepler plant.
6.1 Wyoming Methodist Church on right.
7.2 Cross Skin Fork then intersection with CR 9/5, Skin Fork Road, to right. Elev. 1210’. On left is Courtney’s Threads, a T-shirt store.
8.1 Marianna. Phillips Coal Road (crossroad), cross Turkey Creek, then CR 10/7, Turkey Fork-Right Hand Fork Road, to right.
9.3 CR 9/3, Shannon Mill Creek Road, to right.
9.7 Brenton Baptist Church, then Lanes Branch Road, on right.
9.9 Pizzamingo restaurant on right.
12.8 Baileysville. CR 14 to left.
13.4 Baileysville Elementary School to right.
13.6 WV 971, Clear Fork Road, to right.
13.8 CR 9/2 Cub Fork Road, to left, elev. 1132’. “South” end of section. Baileysville Community Center is 0.2 mile back CR 9/2. GET continues on WV 97.
Alternate route:
0.7 Turn right onto CR 9/6, Williamson Branch Road. This road climbs up a fairly steep hill.
1.8 Top of hill, elev. 1980’.
2.4 Sharp right turn.
3.5 Windom. Intersection with CR 9/5, Skin Fork Road, elev. 1713’. Turn left.
4.0 Road crosses Skin Fork.
5.3 CR 9/5 ends on WV 97. Turn right (west).
6.2 Marianna. Phillips Coal Road (crossroad), cross Turkey Creek, then CR 10/7, Turkey Fork-Right Hand Fork Road, to right.
7.4 CR 9/3, Shannon Mill Creek Road, to right.
7.8 Brenton Baptist Church, then Lanes Branch Road, on right.
8.0 Pizzamingo restaurant on right.
11.0 Baileysville. CR 14 to left.
11.6 Baileysville Elementary School to right.
11.8 WV 971, Clear Fork Road, to right.
11.9 CR 9/2 Cub Fork Road, to left. “South” end of section. Baileysville Community Center is 0.2 mile back CR 9/2. GET continues on WV 91 west.
Trail Description, “South” to “North”
Miles Data
0.0 Intersection of WV 97 and CR 9/2, Cub Fork Road, elev. 1132’. “South” end of section. Baileysville Community Center is 0.2 mile back CR 9/2. GET follows WV 97 east.
0.1 Cross Guyandotte River, then WV 971, Clear Fork Road, to left.
0.3 Baileysville Elementary School to left.
0.9 CR 14 to right.
3.9 Pizzamingo restaurant on left.
4.1 Brenton. Lanes Branch Road, then Brenton Baptist Church on left.
4.5 CR 9/3, Shannon Mill Creek Road, to left.
5.6 Marianna. CR 10/7, Turkey Fork-Right Hand Fork Road, to left, the cross Turkey Creek, then Phillips Coal Road (crossroad).
6.5 CR 9/5, Skln Fork Road, to left, elev. 1210’. Cross Skin Fork.
7.6 Wyoming Methodist Church on left.
10.4 Mining Road to right crosses river to Contura-Kepler plant.
11.3 Ole Lodging on right.
13.0 CR 9/6, Williamson Branch Road, elev. 1267, to left.
13.6 Pineville. WV 97 bends right from Williamson Road to Main Avenue.
13.8 Intersection of WV 97 with WV 10, elev. 1987. North end of section. GET continues on WV 97 east/WV 10 north, to left into Section 4b.
Alternate Route:
6.5 Turn left on Skin Fork Road.
7.8 Windom. Intersection with CR 9/6, Williamson Branch Road. Turn right on CR 9/6.
8.9 Sharp left curve.
9.5 Top of hill, elev. 1980’. Begin steep descent.
11.2 CR 9/6, Williamson Branch Road, elev. 1267, to left.
11.7 Pineville. WV 97 bends right from Williamson Road to Main Avenue.
11.9 Intersection of WV 97 with WV 10, elev. 1987. North end of section. GET continues on WV 97 east/WV 10 north, to left into Section 4b.
TuGuNu GET Guidebook Contents
Guide to Section 4b ("north")
Guide to Section 4d ("south")