TuGuNu Guide 4e
Section 4e
WV 97 at Big Branch
to R.D. Bailey Dam
5.7 miles
1. Parking – “north” end of section on roadside.
2. Parking – “south” end of section in Mullens.
“North” to “south”: Follow WV 97 west 2.2 miles to US 52 & turn right. Follow US 52 2.1 miles to Visitor Center Road & turn right. Follow Visitor Center Road 1.4 miles to end.
“South” to “north”: Go out Visitor Center Road 1.4 miles to US 52 & turn left. Go 2.0 miles to WV 97 and turn left. Go 2.2 miles to CR 9/1.
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles:
Trail Description, “North” to “South”
Miles Data
0.0 Intersection of WV 91 and CR 9/1, Big Branch-Long Branch Road to right. Elev. 1120’. “North” end of section. GET continues west of WV 91.
0.8 High point on road, elev. 1440’.
1.4 Chilton’s Market, on right.
2.1 Hanover Missionary Baptist Church on right.
2.2 Intersection of WV 91 and US 52, elev.1025’. Turn right onto US 52.
2.9 Lizard Creek Road, to right.
3.4 CR 52/1, Little Cub Creek Road, to left.
4.2 Stonelodge on right.
4.3 Visitor Center Road to right, elev. 912’. Turn and follow Visitor Center Road.
5.7 Parking for R.D. Bailey Dam Visitor Center, elev. 1240’. “South” end of section.
Trail Description, “South” to “North”
Miles Data
0.0 Parking for R.D. Bailey Dam Visitor Center, elev. 1240’. “South” end of section. GET follows Visitor Center Road out.
1.4 Visitor Center Road ends on US 52. GET follows US 52 left (south).
1.5 Stonelodge on left.
2.3 CR 52/1, Little Cub Creek Road, to right.
2.8 Lizard Creek Road, to left.
3.5 Intersection of US 52 and WV 91. Turn left onto WV 91 (east).
3.6 Hanover Missionary Baptist Church on left.
4.3 Chilton’s Market, on left.
4.9 High point on road, elev. 1440’.
5.7 Intersection of WV 91 and CR 9/1, Big Branch-Long Branch Road to left. Elev. 1120’. “North” end of section. GET continues east on WV 91.
TuGuNu GET Guidebook Contents
Guide to Section 4d ("north")
Guide to Section 5a ("south")