TuGuNu Guide 6c
Section 6c
Mouthcard, KY to Elkhorn City, KY
11.6 miles
GET through Elkhorn City, KY.
Shuttle (12.2 miles)
North to south: Take US 460 west 7.8 miles to KY 80, turn left and go 3.6 miles, through Elkhorn City, turn right on Carson Island Road and go 0.8 mile to Pine Mountain Trailhead.
South to north: Go back out Carson Island Road 0.8 miles, turn left on KY 80, go 3.6 miles to US 460, turn right and go 7.8 miles to Mouthcard and intersection with KY 1499.
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles:
In Mouthcard: See Section 6b.
In Elkhorn City: Duckers Barn & Grill, Time Out Pizza & Grill, Post Office, Bob’s Sport Shop, and three pharmacies.
*Note* - US 460 is being rebuilt with a bypass around Elkhorn City. As such, the current US 460 that goes through Mouthcard may soon be renumbered. Also, construction will affect KY 80 and KY 1373, so the description may be different.
Trail Description, North to South
Miles Data
0.0 Mouthcard, elev. 862’. Intersection of US 460 and KY 1499. North end of section. GET follows US 460 west.
1.5 Gap (unnamed), elev. 1590’.
2.4 Lick Creek Road to right.
2.8 Turn left on KY 1373, Beaver Creek Road, elev. 1005’.
4.6 Gap (unnamed) elev. 1702’. Big Card Road to left.
7.2 Beaver Creek Church of Christ on right.
7.3 Cedarville, elev. 1024’. Right Fork Beaver Creek Road to left.
9.4 KY 1373 ends on KY 80. Turn left on KY 80.
10.2 KY 80 enters Elkhorn City as Elkhorn Street; here it bends left and becomes Center Street.
10.4 On crossing Russell Fork, Center Street becomes Patty Loveless Drive. Intersection of KY 80 with KY 197, to right, in Elkhorn City, elev. 783’. Continue ahead.
10.8 Turn right on Carson Island Road.
11.6 Road ends at north trailhead of Pine Mountain Trail. South end of section. GET continues on Pine Mountain Trail.
Trail Description, South to North
Miles Data
0.0 North trailhead of Pine Mountain Trail. South end of section. GET continues out Carson Island Road into Elkhorn City, KY.
0.8 Turn left on KY 80, Patty Loveless Drive.
1.2 KY 197 to left, elev. 783’. Continue ahead on KY 80, crossing Russell Fork. Street becomes Center Street.
1.4 KY 80 and GET turn right onto Elkhorn Street.
2.2 Turn right on KY 1373, Beaver Creek Road.
4.3 Cedarville, elev. 1024’. Right Fork Beaver Creek Road to right.
4.4 Beaver Creek Church of Christ on left.
7.0 Gap (unnamed), elev. 1702’. Big Card Road to right.
8.8 Turn right, east on US 460.
9.2 Lick Creek Road to left.
10.1 Gap (unnamed), elev. 1590’.
11.6 Mouthcard, elev. 862’. Intersection with KY1499, Little Card Road. GET continues on KY 1499 into Section 6b.
TuGuNu GET Guidebook Contents
Guide to Section 6b (north)