FOCAS is an interdenominational Christ-centered single adult ministry in Harrisonburg and the surrounding Shenandoah Valley (Virginia) area.  FOCAS seeks to provide Christian single adults with opportunities to share in fellowship, spiritual growth, and service.  FOCAS is both a ministry to single adults, who have needs unique to their singleness, and a ministry by single adults, who love God and are sharing that love in service to others.  

FOCAS pages:



FOCAS Competitions

FOCAS Gallery


History of FOCAS                                                 FOCAS Deaths

Steering Committee                                               Christmas Party pictures

FOCAS Behavior Guidelines

FOCAS Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions about FOCAS



February 28 (Friday) – DINNER OUT, 6:00 PM, at House of Noodle, in the Harrisonburg Center Shopping Center, beside Vinny’s. Bring money for dinner & tip. Children welcome if supervised. Contact person: Laura at 540-476-1504.

March 1 (Saturday) – FELLOWSHIP DINNER – 6:00 PM at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (VMRC) Village Hall (from Harrisonburg, take VA 42/Virginia Avenue north past Mt. Clinton Pike, turn left into main entrance, then immediately turn right onto Heritage Drive. Cross Shank and continue straight to Village Hall, on left. If your last name begins with A-F bring a dessert, G-P bring a main dish, Q-Z bring a salad or vegetable dish to share. A $2 donation is requested. Adults only. Contact person: Peggy at 433-1459.


March 2 (Sunday) – RSVP for March 8 Sugar Maple Festival. Please respond by this date (see below).


March 7 (Friday) – FIRST FRIDAY – 5:00 PM, meet at Wolfe Street Parking Garage, near Kline’s. Walk to see Art Work. Contact person: Donna at 574-268-7896 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


March 8 (Saturday) – SUGAR MAPLE FESTIVAL, meet 9:30 AM near Mr. J’s in the South High Street Food Lion shopping center. We plan to carpool to Highland County for the various events of the Sugar Maple Festival. Bring cash for gas, meals, and any item you plan to buy and dress warmly with comfortable walking shoes. If you plan to come, please contact Peggy to let her know by March 2. Contact person: Peggy at 433-1459.


March 9 (Sunday) - BOWLING, 3:00 PM at Valley Lanes, 3106 S. Main St. (US 11 south - from I-81 take Exit 243, north on US 11 through traffic light, Valley Lanes approx. 1/2 mile on right). Children are welcome if they can bowl tenpins. Bring money for game & shoe rental. Bring extra money if you want to go out to eat afterwards. Contact person: Linden at 540-810-4560.


March 14 (Friday) – STEERING COMMITTEE, 7:00 PM at The Commons.


March 15 (Saturday) – BREAKFAST OUT, 9:15 AM – Breakfast out at Village Inn (US 11 south of Harrisonburg). Bring money for breakfast and tip. Contact person: Donna at 574-268-7896 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


March 28 (Friday) – DINNER OUT, 6:00 PM, at Wood Grill on Reservoir Street. Bring money for dinner & tip. Children welcome if supervised. Contact person: Laura at 540-476-1504.



If you would like to be placed on the FOCAS Newsletter mailing list,


call Peggy at 540-433-1459.




To receive the FOCAS Newsletter by email, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it





©2006 - 2011 Brown Mountain Photography