GET Guidebook 3d

Edition 8/12/2018

Section 3d
CR 59/VA 691 to Dominion Towers
6.4 miles

Field along crest of North Mountain


  1. North end of section.  Go 9.8 miles west of I-81 Exit 279 on VA 675 (at VA 42 in Columbia Furnace, turn right, then left, then left again, staying on VA 675), turn left on VA 789, go 0.3 mile and turn right on VA 691 (Judge Rye Road, although signs at this intersection are incomplete), go 5.4 miles, parking is on left, just before Trailhead. 
  2. South end of section.  Go 1.4 miles west of I-81 Exit 273 on VA 703, turn left on VA 614 (Middle Road) and go 1.1 miles, right on VA 263 and go 9.4 miles to Basye, right on 717 (Jerome Road) 3.8 miles, left on VA 720 (Crooked Run Road) 4.5 miles to top of mountain at state line.  Turn right for trail parking. 


  North to south:  Go west on CR 59 into West Virginia 4.9 miles to CR 59/1 and turn left.  Go 4.0 miles and turn left on CR 20.  Take CR 20 2.5 miles (make left turn at 0.3 mile�Basore Road) to state line and find parking on left. 
  South to north:  Take CR 20 west into West Virginia and go 2.5 miles (turn right at 2.2 miles) to CR 59/1 and turn right.  Go 4.0 miles to CR 59 and turn right.  Go 4.9 miles and find North Mountain Trail to right on state line.  Find parking on right just after that. 


  PATC Map F
  USGS 7.5' Quadrangles: Wolf Gap, WV/VA; Lost City, WV/VA; Orkney Springs, VA/WV
  National Geographic Map 792 - Massanutten & Great North Mtn


Trail Condition Report

GET Guidebook Contents

Guide to Section 3c (north)

Guide to Section 3e (south)


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