FOCAS Behavior Guidelines

FOCAS Behavior Guidelines

FOCAS is a Christ-centered single adult ministry.  In order for us to enjoy Christian fellowship and growth we ask that those attending scheduled FOCAS events refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco products, illegal drugs, inappropriate language, behavior, or attire (at these events). 

At all FOCAS events, any Steering Committee member present shall have the authority to require compliance of all applicable guidelines.  In addition, the Steering Committee member shall be the initial mediator in any conflict that may arise involving these guidelines, and shall always exercise caution and discretion when urging compliance with said guidelines. 

To avoid misunderstanding or unwanted advances the following guidelines are suggested:
1. Use discretion when giving your address, phone number, or personal information out at random or within a group setting. 
2. When leaving a FOCAS event, do not walk to your car alone. 
3. Develop friendships before requesting or a accepting a date alone.
4. When expressing an interest in another person, be sensitive to their response.  Pursuing a relationship that is unwanted can be interepreted as harrassment. 

The FOCAS Steering Committee has established the following policies for dealing with individuals who behave inappropriately, including but not limited to those who make threatening remarks or gestures, or exhibit any form of harrassment.
1. Tell a FOCAS Steering Committee member when you hear or see an inappropriate or abusive remark, request or gesture.
2. All complaints or reports will be brought to the attention of the Steering Committee
3. The Steering Committee will:
    a. Evaluate the complaint or report.
    b. Speak privately to those involved and provide support as needed. 
    c. Encourage mediation
    d. An Intervention Team will be appointed to offer mediation, counseling, and/or expulsion from FOCAS activities. 
4. In the event that a person continues to harass a FOCAS participant at scheduled FOCAS events, a Steering Committee co-chair will discuss the problem with the police. 

The FOCAS Steering committee reserves the right to remove any name from the mailing list.

Attire appropriate to the event should be worn.  All undergarments should be covered, including sports bras, shirts shall be worn at all times, except swimming events, and consideration should be shown when wearing t-shirts with slogans. 

FOCAS Steering Committee

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