Books by Tim Hupp
Books authored by Tim Hupp

Shenandoah Mountain Trails (2018)
This is a trail guide for hikers on the various trails on Shenandoah Mountain in the North River Ranger District of the George Washington-Jefferson National Forests in the Harrisonburg - Staunton, VA area.
Published by PATC at site.

Great Eastern Trail Guidebook - US 48 to I-64 (2018)
This is a trail guide for hikers on the new Great Eastern Trail. Published by PATC at site.
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Children Lost in the Mountains, 2008, with drawings by Mary Carr
6 x 9", 142 pages, 22 pictures (b/w), 13 maps, 6 drawings, and index.
Published by, a subsidary of Barnes&Noble.
Subject: True stories of searches for Lost Children, mostly in Virginia's mountains.
$12.95 - Available at
This book contains true stories of the searches for children, from 1870 to 2006. Most of the children were lost in the mountains of Virginia. The first three chapters are about the three searches, in 1891, 1943, and 1988, which formed the idea of this book. Two more chapters have additional stories of lost children, one chapter is local to Virginia, the other in other parts of the United States (Maine, New Hampshire, Utah, and Montana). After those, there is an analysis chapter, one on modern Search and Rescue, and one on avoiding or surviving getting lost.
See also: My summary of this book, Review of this book in the Elkton Valley Banner.

Digital Harris Shutter Effect, 2007
8-1/2 x 11", 16 pages, over 40 color pictures
Subject: Photography, particularly a technique that uses color to show motion.
$6.00 - available directly from author: email:
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The Hupps of Duck Creek, 1991
8-1/2 x 11", perfect binding, 124 pages, 1 map, index.
Subject: Genealogy- a listing of descendants of Phillip Hupp and Mary Buzzard. Phillip Hupp (1755 - 1831) moved from Virginia to Pennsylvania, and then into what became Noble County, Ohio.
$15.00 - available from author, only a few left. Email
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Other Hupps, 1996
8-1/2 x 11", comb binding, 88 pages, index.
Subject: Genealogy-- Hupp families that are of unknown connection to the "Hupp Patriarchs", but which became sizable groupings. Has sections SV (Halifax County, Virginia Hupps), SH (Susquehanna area of Pennsylvania Hupps), LC (Licking County, Ohio Hupps not covered in Hupps from Shenandoah Valley...), X (smaller Hupp groups), and OX (Descendants of Emanuel Hupp of Monroe County, Ohio).
No longer available--can be read on line.

Hupps from the Shenandoah Valley after the American Revolution, 1986
8-1/2 x 11", comb binding, 264 pages, 85 pictures, 8 maps, 5 drawings by Mary Carr, index.
Subject: Genealogy-- Descendants of the Hupp patriarchs (Balser and Casper) who remained in Virginia after 1776, although most their descendants moved far away. This book has 9 sections: A - Balser Hupp and the other Hupp patriarchs, B - Abraham Hupp and Barbara Hupp Harshberger, C - John Hupp, Anna Hupp, and the Hupmobile, D - Emanuel Hupp, E - Balser Hupp Jr., F - Isaac Hupp, G - Lost Families: Benjamin, Jacob, Samuel, and Martin, H - Peter and Casper Hupp (Hoop), I - Samuel R. Hupp and other Hupp families.
No longer available--can be read on line.

Descendants of George Hupp, by Mrs. Louis (Kathy) Hill and Ginny Bumgarner, edited by Tim Hupp, 1997
Subject: Genealogy-- descendants of George Hupp (~1746 - 1812, patriach) who moved from Virginia to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. He raised his family in Kentucky.
8-1/2 x 11", comb binding, 176 pages, index. Only 3 copies of this book were printed.
Not available at this time.

A Partial History of Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), 2007
8-1/2 x 11", 42 pages, 74 color pictures.
Subject: Recent church history of a church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Established in 1985, this book tells the story of how it was organized, and the events of its life, including year by year events such as officers, new members, and sermon series. It concludes with a supplemental pictorial directory.
$10.00 - Available from the author:
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